Enjoy our FREE Yoga Nidra practice!

Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) is a state of consciousness between sleeping and waking. By cultivating deep relaxation in your body, you will experience the art of resting and recharge your batteries. As it’s one of our favourite rejuvenating practices (can be used either instead of a nap or before bedtime), we would love to share with you, so you can enjoy its healing benefits.

Enjoy a FREE Breathwork practice!

Apply this Breathwork practice to reset your nervous system and to bring more mental focus into your every days! It will help you to self soothe, release anxiety, create mental clarity and reduce inflammation as you will change your blood PH to more alkaline. (This technique is not recommended if you are pregnant. Please avoid practicing under water or during driving.)

Online Courses

Through our online courses we wish to share the most transformational teachings with as many people as possible from all over the world. These lessons have helped us the most when we needed. Therefore having lifetime access to the recordings is a great opportunity to return to them whenever you need to hear these reminders the most.

Breathe Well, Live Well: Master Your Nervous System
Online Course (Pre-recorded)

Imagine if you had the tools to:

– change your mood and the state of your mind

– work on your energy levels and create better balance in your life

– effectively manage stress and anxiety

– prevent illnesses and become healthier by knowing your breath and using the right techniques in the right time

– increase your overall well-being

-regulate your nervous system and your emotions

Many of us take breathing for granted, but the truth is that it plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. By learning to harness the power of your breath, you can positively influence your nervous system, improve your physical and mental health and step into our true potential as a human being.

This course is designed for you with the goal to dive deeper into the wisdom of breathing and to provide you a practical toolbox which you can easily apply in your everydays. Even if you are completely new to breathing exercises or you are a committed practicioner, you will learn a holistic approach and the scientific background which supports the traditional practices.

By applying the techniques you will experience the powerful changes instantly in your body and also in your mind.

Your package includes:

  • lifetime access to the course
  • dive into the art of breathing and the science which lies behind
  • knowledge about how can you balance your energy levels and stimulate your nervous system by toning your vagus nerve
  • understanding the differences between energizing, balancing and relaxing breathing techniques and how to apply them in your modern life
  • certificate upon completion (5 hours of Continous Education for Yoga Teachers)

As it’s a pre-recorded course, you will be able to go through it in your preferred time.

Pre-Sale Price (till 1st March): €99

Regular Price: €150


“What a change! I would like to recommend the course for people whom constantly under stress and having trouble to fall asleep ( tired but wired ). The course helped me to calm my nervous system down before high-stress meetings or presentations. Helped me to focus more at work & I can also help my clients to develop their jaws & longevity just simply encouraging them to use their diaphragm & breathe through their nose 🙂 I definitely recommending the course for everyone!!! Peter thank you so much for this wonderful course”


“I have been practicing yoga on and off for about 20 years and with Peter for just over a year now. He is the only teacher (along with his partner Lilla) who has kept me inspired and committed to my practice regularly. His kind, warm energy and passion to improve people’s life and health really transpires in his teaching. The breathing techniques he has taught me have been invaluable during times of stress, insomnia and simply needing to relax, and I now adopt them with my children too. Peter is a fantastic teacher and I would highly recommend him!”


“I have been practicing yoga with Peter now for over a year and I can honestly say Peter and his partner Lilla have helped me through a very difficult period of my life with their yoga teachings, practices, kindness, generous spirits and all round energy and community you get from being a part of their classes. Specifically to the breathing techniques, I have always suffered from terrible anxiety and often struggle with sleep, and staying asleep due to the anxiety attacks. Peter’s breathing practices and teachings have not only enabled me to significantly reduce the amount of medication I need to take at night, but have also really improved my quality of sleep and ability to calm my body if I wake with anxiety in the night: an absolute godsend! I cannot speak highly enough of the teachings, practices, habits, and all round lovely energy that you get from joining Peter on this journey.”


Intuition Masterclass – Discover the Power of Your Inner Guidance (Pre-Recorded)

Join me for this masterclass to connect with your intuition and to tap into your inner guidance!

In our modern world where we are overloaded with information, discerning what is true and knowing without doubts which direction to take are extremely important skills.

By cultivating a deeper connection with your intuition, you can tap into your inner wisdom, guidance, and clarity to navigate life with confidence and authenticity.

Intuition is that instinctive knowing without the need for conscious reasoning. It’s the subtle wisdom that come from within, guiding you in decision-making, problem-solving, and navigating life.

What you’ll learn from this masterclass:

• Ways of listening and sensing what is beyond the thinking mind

• How to connect with your body and tune into its wisdom

• Understand the difference when you are guided by your heart vs your mind (ego)

• How to make conscious decisions which are aligned

This workshop is for you if:

• You have a tendency of overthinking and over-analyzing situations

• You feel blocked or disconnected in certain areas of your life

• You wish to have more clarity and flow in your life

• You wish to improve your intuitive skills

Pre-recorded with life-time access.

Are you ready to be guided by your inner compass? Then come and join me for this transformative workshop!

Investment: €25


“Thank you Lilla for this powerful workshop, it was really clearing and aligning for the year to come.”


“Thank you for leading us through such a powerful and clear workshop. It was brilliant. Looking forward to join more of your classes and retreats!”