Partner and Acro Yoga

Partner and Acro Yoga

A playful practice – learn to fly!

Acro Yoga is connected to the air element as during this playful yoga practice you can learn to fly! It’s a combination of acrobatics and yoga, therefore, we usually step out from our comfort zone while we are performing Acro Yoga poses. It’s such a complex and fun way to train your balance, to gain strength, to improve your focus, to build trust and to get connected with each other through movement.

Even though it is a modern yoga practice, Acroyoga means a real union for us. It’s an amazing technique to learn more about your body, about yourself and about others. It will also help you to work on your social skills such as trust, connection and openness which then can be taken to the community as a whole.

Recommended for anyone, regardless of age, size or yoga experience! No partner needed in order to participate.

  • Develops better body awareness, balance and sharpens the senses

  • Improves concentration and focus

  • Builds social skills and trust

Currently we offer private Acro and Partner Yoga classes (also possible for groups), please contact us for available dates and times.